Paying with Western Union® or MoneyGram®

Western Union® Quick Collect®

  1. Check their website or call 800-325-6000 to find your nearest location.

  2. Fill out a Quick Collect form and be sure to include your name and loan number.

  3. You’ll also need this information:

    Pay To: Mr. Cooper
    Code: MRCOOPER
    State: TX
    Note: All Quick Collect transactions require cash and Western Union charges a fee for this service.

MoneyGram® ExpressPayment®

  1. Find your nearest MoneyGram agent on their website or by calling 800-926-9400.

  2. At their office, fill out a ExpressPayment form. Be sure to include your name and loan number.

  3. When you’re asked for a MoneyGram Receive Code, it’s 1678.

    Note: A MoneyGram ExpressPayment requires cash and MoneyGram charges a fee for this service.