While it is generally true that the higher a borrower’s credit score, the more options they have to obtain credit, it isn’t true that you must have perfect credit to qualify for a…
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For some, high interest debt can be dangerous. Not to be confused with other forms of debt with low interest rates, high interest debt can be tricky. It’s debt that’s quick, easy, and…
For many people, buying a home is one of the largest purchases they’ll ever make. And for a task of this magnitude, homebuyers should plan accordingly to make sure they’re financially…
Ever wished that you could have information about your home, neighborhood, and mortgage right at your fingertips? We thought you might! Mr. Cooper is proud to announce Mr. Cooper with…
What types of questions do you ask on a first date? “What do you do for a living?” Probably. “Do you have kids?” Not a bad question to ask. “Have you been married before?”…
Today Mr. Cooper announced the results of a nationwide survey of 1,155 Americans, showing that household debt and credit are key drivers of stress during the holiday season. The results…
Deciding whether to rent or buy can be a tough decision. It’s often dependent on timing, location, and personal preference — not to mention the market itself. So how do you decide?…